The John Hamman School of Ballroom & Latin Dancing presents...
A Dance "Tasting"...
SAT 22nd May 2010 @ 13h00
Taste before you buy. This is an Open Day, where I will be running FREE introductory dance classes in my group class options so you can get a feel for the course beforehand. You can come and try both classes if you want, there is no obligation. You must book though.
When: Saturday 22nd MAY 2010 Time: 1pm-3pm (see class times below)
Venue: St Paul ’s Church Hall in Rondebosch (directions available)
FREE Introductory Class Times
1. 13h00-13h40 - Intro to SOLO Latin Dance Fitness
Course description:
I have combined 4 exciting Solo Latin Dance routines which we cover over a 6 week period. (Simply Salsa, Cha Cha Burn, Rumba Tone, Jump 'n Jive). New course starts Tues 25th May @ 18h30 in Rondebosch.
2.14h00-14h40 - Intro to Beginners Survival Dance Course
Course description:
Learn a mix of social ballroom and latin dances. This course is ideal for the complete beginner, no previous experience needed. The steps are kept very simple and the emphasis is on fun. All Ages are welcome. (Waltz, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Rumba and Boogie) New course starts Monday 24th May @ 19h30 in Newlands.
There will be 20 mins at the end of each class where you may ask me any questions and sign-up if you want. You may even find a dance partner??
Please give me your name(s) / email if you wish to attend any or all of the above introductory sessions. You may bring friends/family with to try the class too – but please give me an indication of numbers as numbers will be limited if the class gets too big.
Contact John on 072 203 6581, to book your spot or for more info.
Yours in dance,
072 203 6581