FAQ’s – John Hamman School of Ballroom Dancing
Why learn to dance?
For starters, it is a lot of fun! Fun aside, dancing has so much more to offer than just a good time. Exercise, stress relief, self-confidence, social poise, and a creative outlet are amongst the many benefits you can receive from dancing.
I’ve got two left feet – is that a problem?
Well one of them is right anyway. The beginner course is absolute basics to a few of the popular dances. The atmosphere and teaching style in this class is very relaxed and I always have an assistant to help attend to everyone. Even if you have "two left feet" and "no rhythm"! Mr. Fred Astaire himself is quoted as saying "some people seem to feel that good dancers are born. All the good dancers I’ve known have been taught or trained."
What must I wear?
Sneakers/takkies are not the best since they stick to the floor and limit your mobility in certain dances. Your best option is to wear something similar to what you would wear when you go out dancing. Other than that, just dress comfortably. For the ladies latin course you can wear normal gym attire, for shoes you may weara high heel of any flat soled shoe that you can turn comfortably in (e.g jazz shoe).
What after the beginners
If after the beginner’s course, you are hungry for more I have a follow one course, namely “Improvers” where we add 2 new dances to your repertoire and add steps to the ones you already know.
Where can I go and dance
I hold social dance evenings on Friday or Saturday nights (in Rondebosch), where you can come along and practice what you’ve learnt in a fun relaxed environment. There are also other venues in Cape Town (PWP – every 2nd Saturday, UCT ballroom – once a month) This link has more info on the times and dates of their socials: http://www.ballroom.org.za/schedule/
We’re getting married, what would you suggest?
If you are getting married and can make the beginner course dates and times, then I’d suggest you do the course to get a good feel for a few of the popular dances (which you can use anywhere) and then perhaps book a few private sessions to work on an opening dance for your wedding day. The beginner course might spark some ideas as to which dance you like and may want to do at your wedding.
Do I need a partner for the beginner course?
It is preferable to have a partner for the course. If you are a single and let me know in advance I can arrange for equal numbers of men and woman. I also have a ladies latin dance class, which is a solo class to different Latin routines, it also makes a great workout.
What if I/We miss a lesson?
If you miss one of the lessons during the course, you can always catch up during the Wednesday practice nights or at the recap session at the end of the same course. If you are worried that you may miss 2 or more sessions, then perhaps book for the following course.
Hope this helps. If you have any other questions feel free to email me.